Saturday, July 7, 2012

Columbia River Dams

General Information: provides information about the location, construction date, pool elevation, and powerhouse capacity of the major hydroelectric projects in the Columbia Basin. All information is courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD unless otherwise noted. The information and images are from the Army Corps of Engineers 1989 publication, "Columbia River and Tributaries Review Study: Project Data and Operating Limits." USACE makes no warranties concerning the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the data for any particular purpose.

Federal Projects RiverOwner/Operator
Bonneville Dam Columbia RiverUSACE Portland District
Chief Joseph Dam Columbia RiverUSACE Seattle District
Dworshak Dam North Fork Clearwater RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
Grand Coulee Dam Columbia RiverBureau of Reclamation
Ice Harbor Dam Snake RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
John Day Dam Columbia RiverUSACE Portland District
Little Goose Dam Snake RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
Lower Granite Dam Snake RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
Lower Monumental Dam Snake RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
McNary Dam Columbia RiverUSACE Walla Walla District
The Dalles Dam Columbia RverUSACE Portland District
Non-Federal Projects RiverOwner/Operator
Brownlee Dam Snake RiverIdaho Power Company
Hells Canyon Dam Snake RiverIdaho Power Company
Oxbow Dam Snake RiverIdaho Power Company
Priest Rapids Dam Columbia RiverGrant County PUD
Rock Island Dam Columbia RiverChelan County PUD
Rocky Reach Dam Columbia RiverChelan County PUD
Wanapum Dam Columbia RiverGrant County PUD
Wells Dam Columbia RiverDouglas County PUD

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